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Star Spangeled Banner Fanale

The story behind this audio file (click on the links below to play or download) of the "Star Spangled Banner Fanale" is that this is a recording from the August 2002 performance of the Ocean Grove NJ Festival Choir. The Festival Choir performs every year in Ocean Grove NJ and is made up of church choirs from NJ and surrounding states.  I sang with this choir for about 16 years.  This particular concert has added significance in that this was our first performance following  the 9-11 attack.  For this concert we had 1700 voices.  Singing this dramatic musical arrangement at this particular time was a highly emotional experiance. When we finished this piece, I still remeber looking over at my friend, Jack Moran, who had come down from Boston to sing with me, and seeing that he also had tears in his eyes. Although the recording can not covey the emotions of that moment it still sounds great and I would like to share it with you.

Dick Brandt


Pat Almond
Marine Raider

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