MODD - The Choctaw Detachment

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About Us


Next Growl

29 February

0900 @ BRPD Academy 9000 Airline Hwy



The Military Order of the Devil Dogs (MODD) is the FUN and HONOR SOCIETY of the Marine Corps League. Following the establishment of the Marine Corps League, the leadership of the League decided that the delegates assembling in convention needed some time during their serious deliberations to “blow off steam.” As a result, the MODD was created in 1939, in Boston, MA and granted a charter as a subsidiary organization of the Marine Corps League on 19 March 1940. The MODD is structured in a parllel heirarchy to the Marine Corps League; the POUND (Detachment level), PACK (Department level) and KENNEL (Natonal Level). To become a member of the MODD you must be an active regular member of the League who has been recommended for membership by 2 MODD members. All meetings are referred to as growls and passport fees and, as part of the fun at the meetings, fines (usually in the amount of .25 cents referred to as a "bone" ) for real or imagined misbehavior are collected.  The passport fees collected at meetings are forwarded to the Kennel throughout the year. These funds are added to the fees collected at the Supreme Growl (national meeting) and are then donated to a local Childrens Hospital in the city where the National Convention is being held. On a local basis, the Choctaw Hounds have instituted a program where members bring a bag of dog food to each growl.   These bags are then donated to a local animal shelter.
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